Josip Slavenski: Simfonija Orijenta

Josip Slavenski: Symphony of the Orient

Redaktori: Igor Sarajlić i Ana Gnjatović

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Koncert pod nazivom Simfonija Orijenta Josipa Slavenskog održan je 01. jula 2022. godine. u Atrijumu Rektorata Univerziteta u Beogradu. Nosioci projekta su Fakultet umetnosti Univerziteta u Prištini sa privremenim sedištem u Kosovskoj Mitrovici i Umetnički ansambl Ministarstva odbrane Stanislav Binički. Projekat predstavlja reaktuelizaciju i revitalizaciju Simfonije Orijenta kroz vizuru savremenog pristupa njegovoj interpretaciji i postavci, odnosno njegova transformacija u multimedijalne okvire kroz sintezu različitih oblasti umetnosti (muzičke, primenjenih umetnosti i dizajna i dramskih umetnosti).

The concert Josip Slavenski’s Symphony of the Orient was held on July 1, 2022 in the Atrium of the Rectorate of the University of Belgrade. The partners on the project were the Faculty of Arts of the University of Priština – Kosovska Mitrovica and the Art Ensemble of the Ministry of Defense Stanislav Binički. The project presents the reactualized and revitalized Symphony of the Orient through the vision of a contemporary approach to its interpretation and staging, i.e. its transformation into multimedia setting through the synthesis of various fields of art (music, applied arts and design, and dramatic arts).

Na pojedinim skicama ovih dela nalaze se kompozitorove naznake za korišćenje vizuelnih svetlosnih efekata, ali i ideje o baletu i koreografiji koje nikada nije ostvario. Ovaj koncert je deo doktorskog umetničkog projekta Igora Sarajlića, studenta doktorskih akademskih studija, studijskog programa: Dirigovanje, na Fakultetu muzičke umetnosti u Beogradu. Projekat su podržali Ministarstvo kulture i informisanja Republike Srbije, Rektorat Univerziteta u Beogradu, Rektorat Univerziteta umetnosti u Beogradu, SOKOJ i Pozorište Teatrijum.

Some of the sketches for the work contain the composer’s hints for the use of visual lighting effects, but also ideas about ballet and choreography that he never realized. This concert is part of the doctoral artistic project of Igor Sarajlić, a student of artistic doctoral studies of Conducting, at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade. The project was supported by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia, the Rectorate of the University of Belgrade, the Rectorate of the University of Arts in Belgrade, SOKOJ and the Teatrium Theatre.

Umetnički ansambl Ministarstva odbrane Stanislav Binički sa solistima, dirigent: Igor Sarajlić, vokalni solisti: Lara Kalapiš (alt), Eldin Huseinbegović (tenor), Andrija Sekulić (bariton), Miloš Gašić (bas), profesori, saradnici i studenti Fakulteta umetnosti Univerziteta u Prištini sa privremenim sedištem u Kosovskoj Mitrovici, elektronika: Ana Gnjatović i Ana Sofrenović, dizajneri animacije i video projekcije: Ester Milentijević, Aleksandra Arvanitidis, Tamara Pešić i Nataša Gvozdović Matović, koreografkinja: Vera Obradović Ljubinković, rediteljka: Jovana Krstić.

Artistic ensemble of the Ministry of Defense Stanislav Binički with soloists, conductor: Igor Sarajlić, vocal soloists: Lara Kalapiš (alto), Eldin Huseinbegović (tenor), Andrija Sekulić (baritone), Miloš Gašić (bass), professors, associates and students of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Priština – Kosovska Mitrovica, electronics: Ana Gnjatović and Ana Sofrenović, animation and video projection designers: Ester Milentijević, Aleksandra Arvanitidis, Tamara Pešić and Nataša Gvozdović Matović, choreographer: Vera Obradović Ljubinković, director: Jovana Krstić.